ISA-UK member Spandex & 3M Roadshow – Manchester

Starting: 20th September 2023

Event Location: Village Hotel, Manchester

Event Email:

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Event Contact Number: 0800 77 26 33

Event Description:

Heading to a town near you, Spandex and 3M are on the road teaching you everything you need to know about automotive and architectural applications. Check out the different dates and locations below.

What to expect: Each event spreads over two days and each day is split into two modules. Modules covered on each day are both Architectural Wrap and Automotive Wrap.

Automotive Wrap Module – 09:30AM – 12:00AM
Includes colour change and digital print wrap
Commercial opportunity
Tips and tricks (environment, vehicle inspection, vehicle preparation, print, tools of the trade and application)

Architectural Refresh Module 13:00PM – 15:30PM
Commercial opportunity
Architectural applications with the 3M DI-NOC self-adhesive vinyl
Overview of suitable environment, application tools, primers, surface preparation and substrates

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